
Showing posts with label Sales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sales. Show all posts

Friday 20 March 2015

Google+ Vs Rest of the Social Media

When I started using social media for my business in the beginning it was Twitter which let me make connection quite easily when compared to other social medias. Making people follow you seemed comparatively easier to me.  I have even mentioned about this in my last post. But when I checked my month end analysis report, I was quite surprised to see that I was able to get only 3% of my traffic via Twitter and none of them turned to sales. But anyways that is fine right now, because I’m concentrating just on getting a good traffic for now.

One more thing in the report which surprised me was that the highest traffic from social media which was 17% was received from Google+ because making connection via G+ like we all know is tougher than the rest when you are new to the business. Also making connections here was not a very successful story. This is the time when I decided I should be concentrating on G+ more than others.
Later I did a research on why this happened and I saw that its YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn which brought highest engaging customers with lower bounce rates. Even though FaceBook and Twitter has larger traffic, engaging visitors are lesser in number.

So guys, it’s time you groom your Google+ and LinkedIn profile and start giving it little more attention to these.  Try engaging in various groups.  I’m doing it and will update with my experience soon. Please feel free to share your experience with me and lets all make a better business together ;)

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Website and Mobile

In my last post, I had mentioned how important a mobile phone is for our online business. Now let’s see how exactly it affects our website traffic. 

We all have set of visitors to our sites who prefer using their phones rather than any other means. Hence, if we do not have a mobile friendly website, we may lose these set of customers easily. We have to make sure that our hosting provider and website developer are both aware of this requirement. Most of the services providers do realise the importance of a mobile friendly website. But to be on safer side, its better we confirm it with them. 

Now if you have an informational website like mine, this requirement may not seem that critical. One reason for this is people usually visit these sites at their leisure time from office or home, where the alternate options to the mobile are available. The other reason is there isn’t much of difference in the mobile friendly versions and the web versions for such sites. You just need to make sure all those plugins, embedded stuffs, pop ups or any other additional features you have added to your site works without any issue with the phones.
But if you have a website which offers any kind of service or products then not having a mobile version will be critical loss for your site. One might need such service or a product anytime and anywhere, Hence visitors prefer to be able to access them from mobile phones. You must make sure you have all those feature accessible on our site via web is also accessible via a mobile phone. Make sure to check the mobile versions properly to see if the entire interface is as easier as in the original website.
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Saturday 28 February 2015

United We Stand, Divided We Fall!

We all know, in business how important is it, to beat the competition. You got to be continuously working to stay ahead of the competition no matter what your business is.  

When a business is marketed, staying ahead of the competition is one of the most important aspects to consider.  But staying ahead doesn’t always mean you will have to step on them and raise yourself above them.  Marketing strategy these days has changed completely.  When I first started with my small job as a content writer for a marketing company, I was kind of not sure if this Marketing was my cup of tea. Because even though I was interested in writing, I always thought that marketing is for someone who is capable of convincing others on buying anything even though the buyer actually doesn’t need it.  But it is not true anymore. Current marketing focuses on serving the customer to their best so that they come back to them again.  Customer is happy, that means they come to you more often and also suggest you to other. This is the most prominent aspect currently in any business. 

When satisfying customer is the prominent aspect of your business, you will need to join hands with other business which plays a role of their own in your niche. For ex: If you have a local business in your place, it is very much beneficial for you to keep in touch with person who has same business in some other area or even in the same area forgetting the competition. 

·         This helps you in better understanding the customer needs and latest trends in the niche.
·         You can also get some solutions already tried and implemented by other experts in the niche, without wasting your time in experimenting for the solutions to your issues. 

·         Also follow the leaders in your niche, as to keep yourself updated about the latest news in your field.
·         Attend seminars and annual or monthly meets for your niche whenever possible. 

A successful business or even successful life isn’t a hard path if we believe ‘Live and Let live’.

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Friday 4 April 2014

Which is the best social media for your business?

FaceBook,  Google+, Twitter,  LinkedIn and Pinterest are the top social media services used commonly. We all know FaceBook and Twitter are the best ones to stay in touch with friends and to get news from all around us, if we are talking about personal profiles. But if you are to use these for your business, can you say the same? I don’t think so.

Each Social media platform acts differently for different businesses. Depending on what exactly are you intending to do on your social media profile and what exactly is your business about, each one have its own cons and pros.

Basically below are the few reasons why social media is used in business:

·         Introduce themselves to potential customers and make branding.

·         Sustain a constant relationship with the existing customers.

·         Know the customer and market needs pertaining to their business.

·         Get direct sales.

Introducing yourselves out there on the internet is probably the toughest part of all. This is what I’m actually working on right now and I feel FaceBook fall behind here. All the rest like twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+ have worked quite well for me until now.  In fact Twitter is doing quite well. But sadly I’m not being able to do much with FB. Since, it is hard to attract followers here, unlike Twitter.

Unlike me, the big brands use their social profiles mostly to sustain a constant relationship with the existing customers and interact and know the customer and market needs pertaining to their business. Most of them also provide customer support via social networks. Its a convenient and faster ways for the clients to get the response.  This way companies get to interact much personally, knowing their issues and needs better.  Even here Twitter has brought the most uptrend.

Getting sales is ofcourse is the ultimate concern of all the companies. Providing informative links to their products, blog and other services is what most of them do for direct sales on social media. Here FB works better for me. You can follow groups and pages you are interested in and post your offers and other updates in those groups.  But chances of attracting followers for your page are hard. Only option seems to me is through your blogs.

Well this was my experience. Please reply with yours. 

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